Monday, 7 October 2013

ISSUE 7 Interlude - more creative conversations

Exciting news - the creative community widens!
Step 1:  As a result of my interview with a text poet on this blog, fellow student Aiza and I embarked on a textpoem exchange via mobile and I recorded this in my 2 September post. 
Step 2: Another commenter, Rox, a  former fellow student, was inspired by this creative collaboration.  In her 03 September comment she wrote the following haiku:

         Maybe the next could be
        sending the messages through
        A twitter haiku

I responded on mobile via sms, and another text poem interchange began, running for about 5 weeks.
Here's the result:

A 04/09
The talk begins
Two friends in conversation
Two birds on a wire

R 04/09
Share a thought or two.
Our digital dialogue
Reaches out right now

A 05/09
Separating lines
Of verse with a space or a slash
Pause between speakers

R 05/09
Seeking good guidance
Words and signs and motocons
Appear bright and brief

A 09/09
Forced to express in
A narrow space We choose words
that confine our thoughts

R 10/09
The ebb and flow a magnet
Attracts attention

A 10/09
Punctuation stops
Our words but shapes our thinking
So others can share

R 17/09
Questions multiply
What dastardly deeds are done.
Answers must come.

A 18/09
A single act then
What’s said cannot be unsaid
Words leave fingerprints

R 26/09
Said firmly fairly
Meaning influences all
In the air a change

A 26/09
Please tell what change means-
Leaves fallen upon the ground,
Or wind that felled them?

A 26/09
Words breathe out changes
Sending leaves spinning, to fall
From trees of wisdom

R 30/09
Spring into action
Speaking, listening, hearing more

A 30/09
In spring the winds come
Bringing change bringing new things
Words change the season

R 01/10
The seasons roll on
Pause for endings, beginnings
Pondering, planning

A 01/10
Sent on silent phones
Texts begin conversations,
Punctuate the day

R 03/10
Short and sweet the tweet
Abbreviation abounds
Ringing in the news

A 03/10
Sounds in the silence.
Mobile words resound in space
Filling up the gaps

Do you like this? want to add a haiku about the way texts connect people? Love to hear from you!


  1. Words do not come
    Joy fills this heart of mine
    Gratitude for connections

  2. Thank you for your words,
    your message links our two worlds
    my blog, your space, our network

  3. In the web of space
    People can exchange their words
    With gusto and joy!

  4. web words produce threads
    that we use to find the way
    to meet together

  5. Are you listening?
    It's hard to know what you mean
    When I can't see you.
    Sal, 14

  6. not seeing on the Web
    takes away our spectacles
    that distort our view

  7. Quickly we may judge
    But we are not as shallow
    When we cannot see

  8. Hey Avril ..look at the marvellous communication you have created!
    ..this post really brings your theme 'threadaweb' to life....I think because of the brevity of the 'poems' the thread of the conversation can be seen immediatley. Also the connections peopel are making in their comments are also strongher and more obvious.
    What a wonderful little community you have harnessed here.
